1. 日常生活中的品德教育,發揚中國故有的倫理道 德和生活禮儀。
2. 飲水思源,要從孝道做起,敬老尊賢,在家孝敬 父母,友愛兄弟姐妹。
3. 學會中文,可以與全世界四分之一的人口溝通, 獲益非淺。
4. 我們的第二代就是未來的主人翁,讓他們能品學兼 優, 務必從幼年調教開始。
5. 濟世文化學校是個非營利組織,純粹是為文化教 育而設立。
6. 我們是個大家庭,都是一家人,沒有分彼此。
Today’s society is at the peak of scientific and technological advancement, placing emphasis on external appearances and materialism but has neglected the teaching of morality. Our basic principles at World Hope Chinese School include:
1. Guidance of a person's character in daily living carries
forward the Chinese traditional morals and etiquettes.
2. To remember one’s origin, one needs to start from filial
piety. To respect elders and honor the wise, be filial to
parents, be kind and loving toward one's brothers and
3. Learning Chinese is very beneficial because it enables
one to have the ability to communicate with a quarter
of the world's population.
4. Our children are our future. In order for them to
excel both in their conduct and academics, guidance
must begin when they are young.
5. World Hope is a non-profit organization. The purpose of
its establishment is for cultural awareness and education.
6. We are a big family, there is no division of “you” and “I”.